Premium Projects Division:
Our company offers rebodied and reengineered vehicles starting from Saloon or G.T. cars of prestigious marques, transforming them into sports/racing thoroughbreds using as many original parts as possible.
Every project is individual satisfying the customer´s needs and desires, according to the following plan:
1) Dismantling of the original body (More often than not, beyond cost-effective repair)
2) Modifying and reinforcing of the original chassis dimensions, but retaining most of the original parts.
3) Restoration of all mechanical components.
4) Re-assembling of the chassis.
5) Manufacturing and mounting of new aluminium body under customer´s specifications.
6) General assembling and finishing (paint job, interior trim, dashboard, wiring loom, accessories, etc.)

Very important:
The finished vehicles become sports/competition machines, but still maintaining all documentation and serial numbers (engine and chassis) from the original Saloon or G.T. car.

ASA 450 - S

ASA 300 - S

ASA D-24

ASA 3000 CM


ASA 1100





ASA Monofaro
